Monday, April 27, 2009

Viva Fiesta!

I'm posting today from deep in the heart of Texas! Saturday's show at the King William Fair was wonderfully fun! Just the energy and color was amazing!! I ended the day with sore feet and my face hurt from laughing so much. It was such a great day! Oh...and one of the highlights was when I got to meet Heather of Humblebeads! She came up to my table where I was shaking my best bellsy bracelets (because they make great fiesta noise that way) and we shared a big bead-loving hug! I pulled out those great cherry blossom necklaces to show off her great beads.
How cool is that?!

But now, with the weekend in the past, and after my tenth meal featuring chips and salsa, it's almost time to head north and get ready for a few more shows. It's odd to realize that I have to focus on business instead of depressing! haaaaaaaa But, Susi and I had a blast and we're ready to move on to the show in Ballston in just two short weeks. If you're in the Northern Virginia area, come on out to the Ballston Metro stop on May 9th and say hi!!

I'm going to have that Etsy shop stocked up, too, so be on the lookout for just the pieces you need!!!

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Bedford, PA, United States
I'm a retiree/artist/student who makes things. It's a nice kind of lifestyle!

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